Waste rock inventory and product applications
The pilot targets of the project are the project partner’s (Yara Suomi Oy, Palin Granit Oy)mines and quarries in Siilinjärvi and Varpaisjärvi, but operational models developed are also applicable to other mining and quarry environments as well. The stone material reserves of the pilot targets are defined (present and future), and are classified based on their environmental properties as inert (direct benefit) and ordinary extractive waste. The suitability of inert waste materials for construction applications is assessed according to the infrastructure construction quality requirements (CE marking quality level). In addition, it is built for waste rock producers an operating procedure for planning the productising the extracted material as part of the mine planning. It is evaluated potential reuse or recycling of the waste material, as well as the necessary processes required for the waste products.
Waste rock inventory and product applications is one of the project's three functional modules. The other two are: Logistics and end use possibilities of waste rock as well as marketing, communication and training.